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Latest Build

 File   Size   Downloaded 
Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:36 am
 4.37 MB  375
 6.68 MB  709
 5.89 MB  174
 7.16 MB  565
Updated with thanks to Zifnab, we thank him for his time spent on this language pack.
 1.38 MB  88
 2.11 MB  628
 3.48 MB  261

Supporters Club

Supporters Club
Fully Modded phpBB offers quality code which undergoes intense beta testing before being released publicly as an official and final build. We deliver our scripts free to everyone at NO cost, even though fees of running this site are high, and that a lot of time is taken to produce these absolutely free-to-use scripts, which are available to everyone.

However, there is limited support for these scripts by the actual developer of the project. By popular demand, we have introduced a Supporters Club section!

Our Supporters Club section is where you can get support for all your Fully Modded phpBB problems directly from the developer - the person who knows the code the best because they modified it! We don't look at the Supporters Club as a "service" because the support we give for your problems, is a thank-you for the financial support you give to the project.

Bonuses of being a Supporters Club Member include:
  • Priority support from the Fully Modded Support Team for all your related problems.
  • Premium only access to special styles & modifications for Fully Modded.
  • Premium only access to beta source codes - get the goods long before the rest of the world.
Cost of being a Supporters Club Member:
  • $25.00 USD gets you one full year of Supporters Club Access.
How to become a Supporters Club Member and support the project:
  • Create an account and Log in.
  • Click Here and select the "Supporters Club" group.
  • Process your payment with PayPal.
Being a Supporter is the fastest and easiest way to keep your Fully Modded board unique!

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