Portal Configuration

  1. I see the portal page but no new topics show up!

    The portal that is included with Fully Modded has one page active by default, but you have to edit that page in order to tell it what forum to read topics from.

    Each portal page can be configured to read from one forum and show the latest topics. Don't confuse this with the "Latest Posts" block, which reads data from all forums and is a side module only.

  2. Can I get the Portal to list the latest posts in several forums?

    This is not how the portal is designed, and we have no current tweak. If you come up with one, please post it on our support forums!

  3. How do I get the "Main Menu/Navigation" block to show more links?

    The Portal pages become your main menu navigation. Every time you add a new page, the name of that page shows up in the block as another link.

    You can configure your Portal pages from Admin > Portal > Page Configuration. You can edit the default page, delete it, and add additional pages. Each page allows you to show/hide specific blocks, or can load a separate web URL with or without an iFrame.