Optional ExtrasIncluded with the Fully Modded phpBB 2 package are a few extra (optional) files, you will find them in the docs/scripts/ directory. These extras include:
config.php/config_backup.phpSpare configuration files are included in case of accidents. config_backup.php is a standard phpBB configuration file that just requires database name, user, and password data added to restore a deleted or misplaced original.
desktop.php/desktop_body.tpl (Desktop Plus)Desktop Plus allows your users to add a "latest posts window" to your forums that loads on their desktop without having to open up a browser. It will scroll the latest posts as if the user was logged in, providing the user hasn't cleared their cookies. They can click on any topic and be linked directly to it.
root_redirect_to_directory_portal.htmlThis file enables Fully Modded phpBB to detect whether visitors are browsing using browsing agents or mobile devices, and will redirect them accordingly.
.htaccessThis file enables Fully Modded phpBB to detect and redirect visitors (on arrival) to the portal before the forum index.
login.phpThis file allows your users to be redirected back to the portal after logging in/out instead of the forum index.
erc.php (Emergency Recovery Console)This script is an Emergency Recovery Console (ERC), which can be used to access the board even when the normal methods of phpBB fail. You can clear the session table, reset path, cookie, language or template data, clear the ban list, remove administrator accounts, grant a user admin privileges or recreate the config.php. Thus, the ERC can be helpful when you have problems with the session handling, removed a template in error or your board was hacked.